Balloon badges

In Quick Release, balloon badges serve as visual indicators of the status of insurance and inspection dates. The badges come in three colors: green, orange, and red, each reflecting different states of these dates.
Green Badge: When both the insurance and inspection dates are up to date (not expired), the badge appears green. This indicates that both dates are valid and there are no impending issues.
Orange Badge: If either the insurance or inspection date is set to expire within one month from the current date, the badge turns orange. This serves as a warning to users that one of the dates is approaching expiration soon, prompting them to take action to renew or update the relevant information.
Red Badge: When either the insurance or inspection date has already expired, the badge appears red. This signals a critical issue, indicating that immediate attention is required to update the expired date to ensure compliance and safety.
Additionally, if no dates are provided for insurance or inspection, the badge automatically turns red. This alerts users that essential information is missing and action is needed to input the necessary dates for compliance and operational safety.
By employing these color-coded badges, Quick Release helps users easily identify the status of insurance and inspection dates, enabling them to maintain compliance and safety standards effectively.