Copy Flight

Duplicate your existing flights effortlessly with the new copy flight feature. Select multiple dates and replicate all following flight details with just a few clicks.

Feature location

This feature can be accessed within the Quick Release software by navigating to the following path:

Flights > Go to Flight details > Button Copy Flight

Copy Flight

After clicking the button, you will get a pop-up to copy the flight

Flight Details

  • Period: Display the period of the flight.
  • Balloon: Show the name of the balloon associated with the flight.
  • Location: Display the name of the location where the flight takes place.
  • Pilot: Show the name of the pilot in command for the flight, if selected.
  • Ground Crew: Display the names of the ground crew members assigned to the flight, if any.
  • Tags: Show any tags associated with the flight, indicating specific characteristics or requirements.

Select Multiple Dates

Use the calendar to select multiple dates for which you want to copy the flight.

Review Selected Dates

View the selected dates for copying the flight.


  • Click the “Copy” button to duplicate the flight for the selected dates.
  • Click “Cancel” to exit without copying the flight.