Home Release notes 2024 - Q1 Copy Flight Copy Flight On this page Duplicate your existing flights effortlessly with the new copy flight feature. Select multiple dates and replicate all following flight details with just a few clicks.
Feature location# This feature can be accessed within the Quick Release software by navigating to the following path:
Flights > Go to Flight details > Button Copy Flight
Copy Flight# After clicking the button, you will get a pop-up to copy the flight
Flight Details# Period : Display the period of the flight.Balloon : Show the name of the balloon associated with the flight.Location : Display the name of the location where the flight takes place.Pilot : Show the name of the pilot in command for the flight, if selected.Ground Crew : Display the names of the ground crew members assigned to the flight, if any.Tags : Show any tags associated with the flight, indicating specific characteristics or requirements.Select Multiple Dates# Use the calendar to select multiple dates for which you want to copy the flight.
Review Selected Dates# View the selected dates for copying the flight.
Actions# Click the “Copy ” button to duplicate the flight for the selected dates. Click “Cancel ” to exit without copying the flight.